Can All Religions Be True?

Here is a segment from my various interviews with Dr. Robert Kuhn on his award-winning PBS program Closer to Truth. I am asked to address here the question “Can Different Religions All Be True?” You can view this and other interviews with me and a host of other historians, theologians, philosophers, physicists, psychologists, mathematicians, and biologists on the “Big Questions” of Cosmos, Mind, and God.

Why Insult the Animals?

Why compare terrorists to “animals”? It seems to me to be quite an insult to our furry friends, even the predators, who hunt for food but never approach our crazy human carnage, racism, cultural biases, baseless hatred, corruption and mendacity. Homo Sapiens are the shameful species, now bent on destroying our very planet, much less one another. Who could count the suffering and senseless deaths human against human? It is incalculable. And we have just about wiped out those predator “animals” we like to use as an example of “evil,” to boot. I think our species could better be named Home Stultus.